Thursday, May 15, 2008

This Is The Beginning

Welcome to the Daze of Reality, a blog for people like us.

Well actually I started this blog to inflict my taste in music and my thoughts on dance music culture on you and anyone else crazy enough to end up here.
So if you’re into jungle, drum’n’bass, early 90s hardcore, hip-hop, dub and reggae, with a sprinkle of different techno styles, I know your type so watch out!

What you will find here is a combination of essential music downloads, reasoned critical thought and psychotically unbalanced ranting, along with visuals of the street graffiti that I have been fascinated with since I was a young boy.

The desire to start this page has come from being immersed in the rave scene from the age of 17 back in 1992, through to the present day. Combine this with a hip-hop love affair that dates back to the golden days of 1988, a totally nerdish compulsion to collect and critique hardcore music from various genres, and a typically under-utilised Arts degree … well you get the picture.

I’ve been a raver, a DJ, a promoter, a dance music journo, and a radio presenter, but I have struggled in recent years to find an outlet for this burning passion that I want to stick with. I want to share the freedom that comes from truly experiencing beautiful and inspirational music. So perhaps this is an attempt to recapture that spirit, and to again express my feelings for the music that I love so much.

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